Tunnel of Oppression

Tuesday, March 3, Wednesday, March 4, and Thursday, March 5
7:00 - 9:30 pm.
Raptor Roost  (located in the lower level of the Campus Center - doors open at 6:45 pm).
All groups leave from the Raptor Roost every ½ hour beginning at 7pm. Groups run every 30 minutes, followed by a 30-40 minute group debriefing with staff from Student Health Services. Individuals and small groups may sign-up on site, but groups (2-15 people) wishing to sign-up for a reserved time slot in advance should e-mail sdeborah@camden.rutgers.edu. Tunnel groups are limited to 15 people.

What is the Tunnel of Oppression?  A powerful, must-attend event.

Pulling from history, current national and local events, and the life stories of our community, the Tunnel of Oppression is an interactive, immersive and in-your-face program built around a series of entirely student-actor performed skits covering topics that range from poverty, sexual assault, depression and suicide, racial and cultural tensions, LGBTQ issues,  gender roles, bystander roles, body image and substance usage and abuse.  It is purposefully meant to stir up emotions within participants and seeks to allow them the opportunity to debrief and process through their thoughts within their group immediately following walking through the Tunnel. It also seeks to empower participants and equip them with tools and resources in order to become part of the positive change so desperately needed in order to address the various forms of violence and oppression in our society that are highlighted by the Tunnel. At its core, the Tunnel of Oppression is a social justice program that hopes to inspire activism, understanding, support and change.